Our Farm

The critical elements of our farm are respect and gratitude for the environment, our workers, and the community. Behind each rose we harvest, a love-caring group of workers does their part to deliver a high-quality product to our customers. From production to post-harvest, and from post-harvest to packing and shipping, we do everything with a sincere dose of respect and a deep sense of gratitude.


  • Watering is the key element to guarantee quality roses.
  • We use a computerized irrigation system and fertilized water control. Our production team prepares the fertilizing formula to guarantee the plants get the nutrients they need to produce high-quality roses with efficient productivity.
  • Once the optimal fertilizing solution is prepared, it is taken to a pre-mix tank, which combines all the elements to create an ideal nutritional formula to fertilize the crop.
  • A dedicated team monitors the plants to ensure they are healthy. If any disease appears, the plants are treated accordingly using sustainable and environmentally friendly practices.
  • Love-caring people hand-harvest every day beautiful flowers at the perfect cut stage.
  • The flowers are harvested and sent to the post-harvest treatment.


  • The flowers receive the first hydration with the perfect water solution to maximize their vase life.
  • Anti-fungi and sanitizing processes are taken in place to prevent the flowers from accelerating their dying process once they are harvested.
  • A particular classification and grading process is made for every stem, considering each flower’s length, cut stage, and head size.
  • Then the flowers are bunched and transformed into finished products according to our customer’s orders.
  • The finished products go into the last hydration process and are placed in the cooler.
  • Finally, the flowers are packed in the export boxes and shipped in refrigerated trucks for departure to the airport and final destination.

Dream Farms, an incredible experience

We enjoyed this great place, it is recommended to visit it and marvel at the colors of the roses!

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